It’s no use just creating a profile on the social network and hoping that people will arrive organically with little dedication. By maintaining constancy in the strategy, you will notice an improvement in the reach metric in the short and medium term and, consequently, an impact on your business objective in a long time. But to get these results faster, some fundamental tactics are already used by top influencers on the network reach on Instagram.

The topics below list the 9 tips you need to know and start using today to reach on Instagram. 

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1. Produce quality content regularly

Instagram users always seek more content to consume and fill their free time. They want to read about their hobbies, learn skills, solve personal and professional problems, overcome challenges, and seek entertainment.

For this reason, even with solid competition from famous profiles, there will always be room for those who understand the public and offer what they need. Thus, the primary step for a successful strategy is constantly providing quality content.

It would help if you were clear about who your persona is to create helpful content for them. If content clears up doubts and resolves some pain, it will eventually yield results in terms of reach. It will be praised, rewatched, shared, quoted, and grow your profile.

Good content demands creativity, and sound frequency requires planning. It is helpful to use an editorial calendar to ensure these two points are in place. That is why reach on Instagram is very important.

2. Keep Stories always active

Instagram Stories is a resource for posting texts, images, and videos available for viewing for just one day. It seems like a little thing. Reach on Instagram is very important.

But that’s why he’s so crucial to your strategy. As it is a more spontaneous, casual, and temporal type of content, it is the best way to express the brand’s voice. In addition, it ends up helping your brand connect with the public in a more human way than feed posts.

This makes your audience more loyal and increases your brand’s exposure time to followers and the chances of the content being forwarded to other users.

The content posted in Stories is at the top of the application. Whenever your account has a Story recorded in the last 24 hours, the profile picture receives an attractive colored outline, increasing the chances of other users clicking on your profile.

In addition, it is possible to separate this type of media by theme and leave them permanently highlighted in your profile. By the way, let’s talk more about this feature in the next tip!

3. Use highlights

Stories highlights allow content already posted in this format to be pinned to the user’s profile. Therefore, stories that have expired the 24 hours can be retrieved and accessed indefinitely by visitors to your profile.

This is highly relevant to professional profiles as it helps to bring more details about the products and credibility of the brand. And, of course, it helps improve reach if the posted content benefits your potential audience.

For example, if you have a company profile in dentistry, you can create instructional videos teaching the best techniques for brushing and cleaning teeth and their importance.

In addition to attesting to his didactics and knowledge as a dentist, his followers can share the content with friends and family on Instagram. This way, people outside your network will know your profile through reach on Instagram.

4. Stream live

Lives is another feature created by Instagram that benefits both users and businesses. With it, you can record live videos of up to an hour to discuss a topic with your followers.

Unlike more one-sided Stories, this video format is highly interactive, as users can post comments that will be seen by you and the rest of the audience. So it’s a great way to engage followers and improve branding.

In addition, Lives has a powerful feature to boost reach: inviting other users to the live conversation is possible.

Therefore, the broadcast will be notified to your followers and all followers of the other account. You can invite, for example, one of your customers to share a report or call a business partner.

In this case, the partnership is beneficial for both sides, especially if the companies have similar personas.

In this way, your Live will receive many more visitors, who will not only increase your reach but may also become the target audience for one of your paid advertisements.

5. Create Ads

If your budget is more flexible, it’s also interesting to start working with Instagram Ads.

For this, you need to have a Facebook Ads Manager account already. On this platform, you can create sponsored stories or posts that will appear to the target audience when designing the campaign. This audience can be customized based on aspects of your followers or user demographics and behavior.

That way, you’ll quickly boost your reach on Instagram in the short term and reach people who aren’t in your network but could be customers.

Additionally, you can create an Engagement Custom Audience based on the people who have viewed your video. This includes videos from Feed, Stories, or even Facebook. By using remarketing, you can reach an audience with a brief encounter with your content.

The manager will then show content type options such as “People who viewed at least 10 seconds of your video” and allow you to select which videos you want to use.

6. Make use of hashtags

The Hashtag (#) is a way to track specific expressions or words related to the post. Using popular hashtags related to an event or some trend on the social network can help your post appear in the “Explore” section of Instagram.

But be careful: this feature should be used without exaggeration and strategically to not negatively affect the user experience and generate results. Reach on Instagram is very important.

7. Learn the best times

Find out which days of the week and times your followers are most active!

To do so, you can access the “Public” section in your account menu’s “Information” option. At the bottom of the page, you can see the average number of times your followers access Instagram on a typical day and the busiest days of the week.

In addition, you can consult our post with the best times to post on social networks to have a parameter on how to organize yourself to improve your reach on Instagram.

8. Promote the account on other channels

You don’t just need to use Instagram’s platform to increase visits. Take advantage of the other social networks your audience uses to recommend that your followers access your content on Instagram. This disclosure can also be made by email, on the company’s website, on your business card, or in pamphlets.

The possibilities are countless; use creativity in your favor! You can also encourage people who follow your profile using strategies such as special promotions and sweepstakes.

9. Capriche in appearance

As it is a social focus on visual content, aesthetics are very relevant to the success of an Instagram profile.

Carelessness with appearance can decrease your account’s potential to attract new followers or be recommended by them. Therefore, post quality photos, use creative angles, and adequate image size.

A beautiful layout or a good standardized organization in the feed can attract your followers’ attention and generate more likes, engagement, and shares, that is, an engagement that will be positive for your brand’s reach on Instagram.

Also, good images and videos attract new followers and stand out in the exploration feed.

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