When there is a temperature in a single digit, we are looking for a hot caffeinated drink with whipped cream or any sizzling pasta. With these chilling vibes sometimes we forget our gut health. As the temperature goes down, it is high time, we indulge in some very nutritious food. At this time, many people ask about what are the top 10 winter foods to keep warm.
November to February is usually the winter season. As the temperature decreases, metabolism slows down to save body heat energy conservation is needed. Therefore, more calories are needed to stay warm this winter.
Anti-oxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory food lowers the risk of diseases in winter like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Whole grains, green leaf, turmeric, dry fruits, salmons beans, citrus foods, and root vegetables are the kind of products that can keep you warm for the whole day.
Table of Contents
What Are The Top 10 Winter Foods To Keep Warm Your Body?
Simply Greens-
Spinach, Collard greens, and other leafy greens like Kale are a powerhouse of winter-season foods. These frozen greens are nothing short of healthier than the fresh ones. It is a good source of vitamin C, a natural immune booster, and vitamin A, which is good for eye problems.
Ideal Menu-
A hot vegetable soup with leafy greens can be a pure gem in winter.

Whole Grains-
Whole grains for instance, wheat, Bajra, rice, flour, and many more are a part of our diet regularly for a whole year. These foods contain heating properties that keep war our bodies warm in winter. Quinoa, oatmeal, barley, farro, bulgur, and brown rice contain fiber and protein that gives us energy boost to keep the body warm. Oats as breakfast can be suitable for your energized day and help in weight control.
Ideal Menu-
Cooked whole grains with tossed vegetables can fill your tummy and give you a healthy meal.
Oatmeal is a great breakfast. You can use cinnamon and cardamom in place of sugar or salt to enhance its flavor.

Dry Fruits-
When the air gets crisp, dry fruits and nuts can give you that much-needed energy. For instance, nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts, and pistachios are highly antioxidants and contain healthy fat. However, you should consume these unsalted or low-salt options. Other dry fruits like raisins, dates, and sunflower seeds are also rich in nutrients and provide dietary fiber and essential vitamins. These are naturally nutrition-rich foods therefore, they will keep your body warm and give you immunity to fight against diseases.
Ideal Menu-
Soak-in-water nuts are better to consume. Or else you can roast them in olive oil and take them as snacks. And other dry fruits can be taken normally.

Root Vegetables-
Winter is the time when nutrient-rich vegetables carrots, spinach, and potatoes are easily available in the market. Root vegetables like turnips and beets are essential in the diet. Vitamin C and A, beta carotenes, and complex carbohydrates are heavily present in these root vegetables. Therefore, not only your body will keep warm but also it will help to protect you from Flu and colds.
Ideal Menu-
A whole salad is a beautiful taste you can like. Moreover, you can use virgin olive oil and toss the vegetables and can take them.

Seasonal Fruits-
Fruits are something that can be delicious and nutrient-rich at a time. One can get vitamins and a dose of antioxidants and minerals with seasonal fruits. Citrus foods like oranges, grapes, and lemons are high in vitamin C which not only boosts the immune system but also elevates your mood too.
Ideal Menu-
There is nothing wow menu of it. Fruits are more special when it takes as natural. But you can make juice and a smoothie to take it also.

Did you ever try to find out that a natural body heater is in your hand? Natural spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, etc. naturally increase our body. These are highly anti-inflammatory. Other herbs like cloves, fenugreek seeds, turmeric, and tulsi are a must in household kitchens. Not only do these herbs and spices increase the aroma of food but also serve essential vitamins and minerals naturally. These anti-oxidant-rich spices give a warm flavor during the winter season. Moreover, it boosts immunity, controls aging, and keeps memory sharp for a long time.
Ideal Menu-
Spices are regularly used in different curries and foods. Herbs can be used in teas and soups.
Tulsi and ginger are used in tea, and these increase the aroma and flavor of it.

Butter And Ghee-
If you know the benefits of ghee and butter in winter, then surely you are using it. Vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids help in digestion improve your eyesight and most important help to build muscle. Moreover, in the cold time, our skin became dull and dry. One teaspoon of ghee and butter could help a lot to prevent skin dryness. It also helps in smooth digestion and improves the immune system.
Ideal Menu-
Butter and ghee are common in the kitchen. After parottas or bread light brushes of butter or ghee, both enhance taste and aroma.

Eggs & Meat-
Eating a boiled egg daily keeps your body warm in cold weather. You will get much-needed energy for your whole day’s work. In fact, eggs and meat best non-vegetarian foods that are high in protein. In the winter season, low-iron people easily get tired and their palms get cold quickly. Eggs and meats especially red meat are good sources of iron and vitamin B12.
Ideal Menu-
Boiled eggs or half-fried eggs are best to consume. And for the meat light fry with some vegetables can give you the best results.

There is no doubt that soup is the best-suited winter food in the world. However, the healthiest soups are homemade, low-sodium soups. If your soup contains less than 140 milligrams of sodium per serving, that is low-sodium soup. You should avoid cream, salt, beef, and oil. Instead of these, you should go for vegetables, chicken broth, and water.
Ideal Menu-
Low-sodium soup contains vegetable broth, chicken, water, and chicken. You can add beans and lentils that add protein and fiber to your soup without extra fat. Moreover beans slow down body digestion control sugar levels and boost mood.

Honey is a natural sweetener. It enhances the flavor and keeps the good taste in food. However, it works as a natural sweetener too. Your winter beverages will be healthier without compromising taste through honey. Moreover, it boosts your immune system in cold weather. The doctor advises using honey in water to soothe the throat.
Ideal Menu-
Honey takes independently. One teaspoon of honey independently is a better option. Also, some people add honey in warm water or herbal to stay hydrated and healthy for the whole day.

Final Words- What Are The Top 10 Winter Foods To Keep Warm
As the winter season comes, the temperature falls down therefore the body gets too lazy. Moreover, it hampers our daily routine. In fact, these cause overeating. Therefore, in the winter season, our health becomes worse due to unhealthy overeating habits.
Savor the charm of winter cuisine this year, which will warm your body and please your palate. These delicious and cozy options will keep you well all winter long and add a unique touch to your wintertime.
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)-
How can I increase my body heat in winter?
Taking a warm bath or brisk walk can increase body heat. Jumping jacks and wearing heavy clothes are also other options.
Which food keeps the body warm in winter?
Citrus fruits, nuts, other dry fruits, salmon fish, lean protein, etc. foods keep the body warm in winter.
What are the hot foods for winter?
Low-sodium soups and stews are hot foods for winter.
Which food is more heat to the body?
Foods containing complex carbohydrates, high fat, protein, and fiber generate more heat to the body during digestion.
How can I increase my body heat?
Put on slippers and socks. In order to maintain a warm atmosphere and prevent drafts, close doors in rooms that are not in use and seal ventilation holes.
Which fruit is hot for the body?
Fruits generally contain high sugar and calories. For instance, mango, red pomegranate, durian, longan, guava, lychee, grapes, rambutan, ripe jackfruit, western-type bananas, ripe banana, ripe papaya, passion fruit, orange, sweet tamarind.
Is beetroot heat for the body?
One particular type of vegetable that some claim has warming properties is beetroot. They believe it to be especially beneficial in the winter. The problem is that this theory is not well supported by any evidence. In fact, a study found that those who are prone to colds did not experience a decrease in body temperature when they drank beetroot juice.
How can I keep my body warm naturally?
First, don’t be lazy. Try to move around your body. Go for walks and try to do some exercise.
Is curd hot or cold?
Most people take curd as a cold serving, however it is hot in nature. It is sour in taste and heavy to digest.
Which vegetable is heat for the body?
Especially root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and radishes are well known for generating heat in the body.